JupyterCon 2023

Amit Rathi

Amit is a software developer & the founder of ReviewNB, a code review tool for Jupyter Notebooks.

He's a Carnegie Mellon graduate, previously worked at Amazon Music team in Seattle & helped build location stack at HyperTrack.

Amit is a strong proponent of automated testing & code reviews as they help us quickly build reliable software & learn from each other. He's deeply interested in the human side of software engineering- development processes, collaboration tools, and such.

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Building GitHub Code Review Experience for Jupyter Notebooks
Amit Rathi

Key Takeaways

  • What is notebook code review & why should Jupyter users care
  • How to build rich diffs & commenting for notebooks
  • How to integrate notebook diff & commenting with version control platforms like GitHub & Bitbucket


For the past 4+ years, I’ve built a notebook code review experience (ReviewNB) for GitHub as a solo bootstrapped developer. Thousands of organizations now use the service, including Apple, Airbnb, Lyft, Deloitte, Affirm, AWS, Meta Reality Labs, and NASA JPL.

This talk focuses on behind-the-scenes technical details such as,

  • Challenges of building rich notebook diffs on top of GitHub / Bitbucket
    • handling JSON diffs
    • handling images, plots & other rich outputs
  • Challenges of building discussion / commenting functionality for notebooks
    • where & how to store notebook comments
    • how to handle comments when underlying notebook changes
Community: Tools and Practices
Louis Armand 2
Simplify DevOps with Executable Notebooks
Amit Rathi, Vinay Kakade


Today, Jupyter Notebooks are mostly confined to science, research & education. But notebooks can provide organizations with a powerful general-purpose “executable documentation” platform. A solid use case for this is DevOps & more specifically, IT incident response.

Technology teams usually have an on-call rotation with static wiki-style documentation to guide the on-call engineer. Jupyter Notebooks can replace static documentation with executable notebooks. E.g. “fetch service logs” and “rollback last deployment” can simply mean executing a code cell that’s available alongside the markdown instructions.

What are the benefits of executable vs. static documentation for DevOps -

  • Quick e.g. “check DB latency” is 1-click notebook code cell execution to plot latency graph vs. going to a third-party UI in the middle of an incidence
  • Precise e.g. “promote read replica to master” can mean a series of steps & possibility of human error; codifying the steps in advance removes ambiguity & results in precise action.

“Executable documentation” is a simple yet powerful concept that can extend to other use cases such as - API documentation, developer onboarding, data visualization & reporting, scheduling routine tasks & so on. Think of it as executable GoogleDocs powered by Jupyter!

In this talk, we’d like to,
- Introduce the concept of Jupyter powered “executable documentation” platform, particularly for DevOps and Incident Response,
- Show a demo of how it’d work - (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vvLXSAHCGF8)
- Talk about important challenges, and propose a way forward to make this a mainstream application of Jupyter notebooks.

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