05-11, 12:00–12:30 (Europe/Paris), Gaston Berger
In the past years, real-time collaboration has become a must for any editor, a feature that users expect as core functionality in their daily editor. Sharing and collaborating on the same document with your colleagues or teachers increases productivity by improving the teamwork experience.
The adoption of real-time collaboration in JupyterLab has been a challenge for many developers over the years. From the very beginning, RTC was in JupyterLab's roadmap. Still, it was only in v3.x that it became a reality, and in v4.0, that it shows its real power. We want to describe the feature in detail with everyone to give extension developers the knowledge to leverage it into their plugins.
This talk will go through the RTC implementation and describe the role of the packages used.. The various entry points to use and extend real-time collaboration on documents will be highlighted. And it will show the corner cases and the restrictions it enforces.
Finally, we will offer a glimpse into how real-time collaboration works in JupyterCAD and JupyterLite. JupyterCAD is a JupyterLab extension using a non-default document type for 3D geometry modeling that supports the FreeCAD format. JupyterLite is a lightweight serverless version of JupyterLab, which changes the paradigm of collaboration. It adds a new challenge by removing the central authority that's the server, requiring the use of peer-to-peer communication to synchronize clients. The document is leveraging the real-time collaboration API to allow collaborative editing.
Carlos is a Scientific software developer passionate about AI and its applications to robotics.
Prior to QuantStack, he worked as an intern at Instituto AI2, developing algorithms for 3-D printing with 6-axis robots.
His current work focuses on expanding the Jupyter ecosystem by contributing to JupyterLab and voila and developing new extensions to integrate ROS in JupyterLab.
Jupyter core developer.
Le Duc Trung is a Scientific Software Developer at QuantStack. He holds a Ph.D. in computational mechanics from Université Pierre-et-Marie-Curie (France). Before joining QuantStack, Trung worked as a research engineer at Mines ParisTech, CADLM (now Hexagon), and Safran Group.
At QuantStack, he works on several projects within the Jupyter ecosystem, from main projects like JupyterLab, Voilà, and ipywidgets to Jupyter extensions and widgets.
Trung is the author of ipyflex
(a WYSIWYG layout editor for Jupyter widgets) and jupyterview
(a VTK data visualization extension for JupyterLab)
As a personal project, Trung co-founded cast2cloud.com, a web-based mechanical simulation application based on the Cast3M finite element solver.