JupyterCon 2023

Jupyter for Copernicus - improve the use of Earth Observation data
05-12, 11:30–12:00 (Europe/Paris), Gaston Berger

Copernicus, as the European Union’s Earth Observation program ; is providing an unprecedented amount of data and added-value information on any aspect of terrestrial environment and climate, including data from new generation satellites, reanalysis, historical datasets and forecasts. This is enabling new science, services, operational applications and businesses in the fields of meteorology, climate, air quality, oceanography and, at large, environmental monitoring.
TheJupyter ecosystem is becoming central to support users in discovering, using and analysing this data.

The European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT) is an implementer of the Copernicus programme and this talk will show how Jupyter is used to provide know-how and access toCopernicus Earth Observation data on the following aspects:

Training and awareness - jupyter-based platforms used in events to self-paced approach over a wide range of domains, including atmosphere, climate change, and marine. For example in 2022 have been held more than 50 international events making use of Jupyter environment with more than 5000 users
Data ready - using jupyter notebooks to showcase applications and grant a seamless access to data - providing notebooks and access to hubs through advanced and open platforms .
Among these, the European Weather Cloud and the WEkEO Copernicus Data and Information Access Services (DIAS) as collaboration among key international organisations and agencies (ECMWF, EUMETSAT, EEA and Mercator Ocean International)

Communications and outreach- make use of Jupyter to engage with a large public scientifically literate. This includes competition of jupyter notebooks applied to innovative data analysis and access and practical sessions using Jupyter Notebooks in largely attended massive on-line courses (MOOCs)

Federico Fierli is an EUMETSAT sicence specialist since 2019 as expert in atmospheric dynamics and chemistry and communicate and teach on many aspects of satellite data and applications to a wide range of users.

Since 2002 he is Senior Scientist at National Research Council, Italy (now on-leave) and Associate Professor of Climate Physics, University of Rome. PhD at Paris University and then European Space Agency Fellowship.

His science background is on atmospheric and climate science with a focus in on the coupling between the composition and circulation of the atmosphere and its climatic impact. Federico was leader Scientist in many projects including in-situ campaigns and educational programs

I am an independent consultant, educator and community-builder who works across strategy, user engagement and training of Big Earth Data and Emerging Technologies. My work is in the intersection between data providers and users aiming to make large volumes of Earth data better accessible and used. For the past four years, I have trained more than 2000 Earth Observation and climate practitioners.

I have been working with Jupyter notebooks since 2014 and have developed more than 100 educational workflows on topics such as access and analysis of large volumes of Earth data and Machine Learning.

Previously, I worked for the European Space Agency and the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts.

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