JupyterCon 2023

Sending Rovers to Mars with Jupyter
05-11, 10:30–11:00 (Europe/Paris), Gaston Berger

Jupyter has long been proven to be a tool of choice in the data science and scientific computing
community. At NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, we have built upon those foundations to
answer engineering challenges and prove that with innovative approaches, the use cases that
can benefit from the Jupyter ecosystem are endless. With modular extensions and novel
methods, we are able to perform system-level and physics-based modeling, trade studies,
automated pipelines of engineering reports, hardware testing procedures, and more.

In this talk, we share our experience of using Jupyter as an integration platform and multi-domain
engineering tool, and why we believe that with the correct approach, Jupyter can be extended
to do just about anything.

Thomas Boyer Chammard is a Software Systems Engineer at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, in Pasadena, CA. Part of his role is to develop and maintain the Jupyter ecosystem that is available across the Laboratory, which is comprised of an internal JupyterHub, BinderHub, and other services like NBViewer and ReviewNB. He also advocates for Jupyter best practices, and promotes adoption of the Jupyter ecosystem as an engineering tool across the Lab.

Thomas holds a Master of Engineering in General Engineering from École Centrale de Lille, in Lille, France.