JupyterCon 2023

Plywood Gallery - a new framework to generate python documentation via notebooks
05-11, 18:00–18:15 (Europe/Paris), Poster Placeholder

Reminder - The date and time of this sessions are placeholder due to the limitation of the conference software.
All Poster will be presented during the Poster Session from 6:30 to 8:00 on Thus 11th,



Plywood Gallery is a new framework for generating Python documentation via notebooks. It can be used for creating cheat sheet like overviews of Python packages with image output.
The unique feature: Code snippets are represented by images on the generated documentation website. This makes it easy to see how slight changes in code correspond to slight changes in the output image.

Here are a couple of examples:
1. https://kolibril13.github.io/plywood-gallery-matplotlib-scalebar/
2. https://kolibril13.github.io/plywood-gallery-functions/
3. https://kolibril13.github.io/plywood-gallery-napari/

How it works: A notebook cell and its output are saved in a code-image-pair, when the plywood cell magic is called. This pair is then in real-time rendered in an HTML-page.

During JupyterCon, I'd like to show this Open Source framework to people and brainstorm with them how this could be useful in their everyday python workflows.

The target audience are people who use python packages with image outputs, such as Matplotlib, napari, scikit-image, and manim.

This poster presentation will furthermore contain an interactive part:
My plan is to have a table with all website div elements (images, code blocks, cursor and highlighters) printed on cardboard.
Together with interested JupyterCon participants, these elements can be arranged to all sorts of gallery layouts. The aim of this interactive part is to find out what a good example gallery would look like for people from the community.

Jan-Hendrik has a background in Biophysics and is passionate about open source tools used in scientific research and science communication.
While creating code-generated animations of physics phenomena during his studies, he began to contribute to sci-vis-python packages and initiated the project jupyter-compare-view. His goal is to to make the scipy ecosystem more accessible by improving documentation tools.