JupyterCon 2023

This event currently does not accept new proposals, sorry!

Propose A Talk Or Poster - Generate discussion, feedback, and inspiration..

Propose a talk or poster

What lessons do you have to share with the Jupyter community? Have you developed good workflows using Jupyter? Have you solved tricky Jupyter deployment challenges? Do you have a great tool for the Jupyter community? Do you have an interesting application using Jupyter? What do you wish you would have known when starting to use Jupyter? Propose a talk or poster at the JupyterCon!

Important dates
CFP opens: October 31st, 2022
CFP closes: December, 20th, 2022 (Anywhere on Earth)
Authors receive proposal accept/decline decision February, 17th, 2023

Talks at JupyterCon 2023

JupyterCon talks are 25 to 30 minutes long. Talks are roughly organized into the following tracks:

  • Community: tools and practices Talks that address the community tooling and best practices in the Jupyter ecosystem. Community tools include frontends, kernels, extensions, and other tools in the Jupyter ecosystem. Community practices include how Jupyter is used in a workflow and introspection into the Jupyter community itself.

  • Enterprise Jupyter Infrastructure: Talks that address deploying Jupyter and JupyterHub at scale in industry, government, high-performance computing, science, education, and other settings. Topics include DevOps, scaling services, security concerns, regulation compliance, and more.

  • Jupyter in Education: Talks that address how to teach and learn using Jupyter in a variety of settings.

  • Jupyter for research scientific discoveries Talks that address how Jupyter is used in specific scientific research fields, such as medical research, astronomy, physics, climate change, meteorology, humanities, social science, and more.

  • Data Science Talks that address how Jupyter is used by data science practitioners in industry, government, and elsewhere.

  • Others Talks that address anything else (as long as it's relevant to the Jupyter community).

Posters at JupyterCon 2023

The poster session is a forum for ideas to be presented in a concise, visually appealing way. Posters can be work in progress or the highlights of a project you would like to share and discuss. We also encourage you to consider linking to an ‘executable’ and ‘interactive’ poster, such as a Voilà dashboard. Show us how you tell stories with Jupyter.

Anyone is welcome to submit a poster, including researchers, practitioners, enthusiasts, and students.

A poster presentation consists of:

  • A poster (preferred size: A0, 841 x 1189 mm 33.1 x 46.8 inches)
  • A short description, which may include a link to an interactive site, such as a Voilà dashboard

Volunteer as Reviewer

We are also looking for volunteers to review submissions to JupyterCon. If you are interested, please fill in this form.

Guidelines for proposing a talk or poster

Speaker Profile

To propose a talk or poster, you will need to create a speaker profile. This includes information such as your name (as you would like it to appear in the conference program), and the following optional information, which will be
published as a part of the conference program if your talk is accepted:

  • a short biography telling the audience a little about you
  • a photo
  • a GitHub and/or Twitter handles to connect with you

The primary presenter should submit the proposal, and afterwards the proposal can be edited to add other authors.


A talk or poster proposal must include the following information that will be listed publicly in the conference program for accepted talks or posters.

  • Title: Give your talk a title that accurately describes its content and focus to the potential attendees.

  • A summary: Submit a summary describing the topic and key takeaways for attendees. The description will be included in the conference program announcements, should it be selected.

After reading this summary, the audience should have an idea of the overall presentation and know what to expect.

  • Your summary should also target target and audience: Describe what level of programming/coding and other topic-specific knowledge, experience or expertise your talk is aiming for. Will the attendees need multiple skills or proficiency in tools other than Jupyter notebooks?

‘Advanced’, ‘Intermediate’, and ‘Beginner’ may mean different things to different people. Feel free to include any additional details regarding prerequisites for your talk, as well as what audience may benefit from it.

  • Your affiliation: for the purposes of this talk or poster.

Talk and poster proposal submission FAQs

  • What can I do to increase the likelihood of my talk/poster being accepted?

    Here are some common pitfalls that could lead to the proposal being rejected:

    • Submit early. Submissions can be modified up until the submission deadline.

    • Ensure your talk will appeal to the wider Jupyter community. If your talk topic addresses a narrow segment of issues, users, or applications, consider shifting focus or highlighting best practices and themes that apply to a more general audience, or consider submitting a more narrowly-focused poster. People from many fields and backgrounds attend JupyterCon, which can lead to rich discussions among attendees that would not normally have a chance to interact with each other. What lessons have you learned that can benefit others in the Jupyter community that may not be from your specific field or application?

    • Take a look at the JupyterCon 2017, 2018, and 2020 conference schedules for previously accepted talks. Clearly identify who your target audience is, what background is required for attendees to benefit from your presentation, and what the key takeaways are. Get feedback, especially from those in your target audience.

  • What should I avoid in my talk proposal?

    Here are some common pitfalls that could lead to the proposal being rejected:

    • Overly long proposal Keep it simple, clear and focused.
    • Future work While talking about future work is interesting and could be mentioned in your talk, the core content of the talk should already be shaped, and you should be able to describe it in your proposal.
    • Sales pitches We are a community of open source developers and users of open source scientific computing tools. You can reference your closed-source product or platform, but the audience will find the talk more interesting if they can try your techniques ithin the Jupyter ecosystem. Your problem definition, proposed techniques, broad issues you solved, and business domain might be interesting, but sales pitches and "how to use our product" talks are typically rejected.
    • Repeated Talk We have a strong preference for new material and fresh faces, and as such, if your talk is already available online it is unlikely to be accepted for the conference.

The tips above were adapted from the PyData resources. We also recommend checking out blog posts by Craig Kerstiens and Hynek Schlawack for more great advice on this topic.

If anything is wrong or you have any questions, you can find our contact information in the rest of the submission process.