JupyterCon 2023

Afshin Darian

Afshin Darian is a technical director at QuantStack. He is a member of the Jupyter Notebook, JupyterLab, and Jupyter Server councils. Darian is a co-author of JupyterLab and currently works on several layers of the Jupyter stack.


State of the Union: Jupyter Community
Fernando Pérez, Jason Grout, Afshin Darian, Ana Ruvalcaba

Come learn how the Jupyter community and leadership is organized today. We'll talk about new strategic initiatives impacting the global Jupyter community.

Speakers: Jupyter Executive Council

AFSHIN DARIAN is a technical director at QuantStack. He is a member of the Jupyter Notebook, JupyterLab, and Jupyter Server councils. Darian is a co-author of JupyterLab and currently works on several layers of the Jupyter stack.

ANA RUVALCABA is Director of Project Jupyter’s presence at California Polytechnic State University. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration with a minor in Ethnic Studies. Ana’s areas of expertise include program/project management, people management, operations, budgeting, and global events. Over the years she has collaborated with a wide variety of stakeholders in open source, tech, and university environments to deliver a unique set of contributions.

BRIAN GRANGER is co-creator of Project Jupyter and Altair, a statistical visualization library for Python. He is also an advocate for open-science, open-data and open-source software.

FERNANDO PEREZ is faculty at UC Berkeley Statistics and a scientist at LBNL. Trained in physics, he builds tools for humans to use computers as companions in thinking and collaboration, mostly in the scientific Python ecosystem. Today, he focuses on open, reproducible science at scale to tackle problems like the climate crisis that bridge physical modeling, data analysis and societal concerns. He co-founded Project Jupyter, 2i2c.org and NumFOCUS.

JASON GROUT is a staff software engineer at Databricks working on interactive computational interfaces. In Jupyter, Jason helped build JupyterLab and ipywidgets, and has contributed to many other parts of the project.

STEVEN SILVESTER is an Engineering Lead at MongoDB Inc. He is a veteran of the United States Air Force and has been an active contributor to Jupyter since 2015. He helped build the original version of JupyterLab, and has since focused on improving the maintainability of Jupyter software.

Organiser Choice.
Gaston Berger